Lic. # C950796
Contact Us

Feel free to contact us! We will do our best to respond in a timely manner. Please note that as a before / after school care program, our staff works a split shift and are not typically available during the middle of the day. Check out the office hours below for more information.

Phone / Fax:
Telephone: (727) 781 - 6343 / Fax: (727) 683 - 2590
1551 Belcher Rd. Palm Harbor, FL 34683
Main Church Line (for church business):
(727) 785 - 7487
Office Hours:
Please note that program hours vary from office hours. To ask a question, or get help with registration, schedule a tour, etc. please be sure to call during our regular office hours. Thank you!
During the school year: 7:30 AM - 9:30 AM and 1:30 PM - 5:30 PM
School out days / summer break: 7:30 AM - 5:30 PM
Holidays, Program Setup / Teardown Days, Weekends: CLOSED
Directions & Info
Stars & Comets is located at Palm Harbor United Methodist Church in Palm Harbor, FL. Palm Harbor United Methodist Church is located just north of Nebraska Ave. on Belcher Rd. (which is just west of US 19). Due to the size of the church campus you will want to ensure that you use the North Entrance when visiting for Stars & Comets purposes. Please drive all the way around to the back of the campus and park in the lot closest to the large blue overhang (the one large enough to drive under),
Families will use the entry door marked "The Robin's Nest / Stars & Comets", which is located just to the right of that large blue overhang. You will want to use the buzzer on the intercom to the right of the door (under the Stars & Comets sign) to access the office.
(727) 781 - 6343
1551 Belcher Rd. Palm harbor, FL 34683